AED Batteries



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Showing all 19 results

Aviation Battery for Defibtech Lifeline VIEW/ECG/PRO AEDs
9-Volt Replacement Battery for Defibtech
Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 Replacement Battery
Cardiac Science Powerheart AED G3 Battery (9146-302)
IntelliSense Lithium Battery for Powerheart AED G3 Pro (9145-301)
CR Plus/EXPRESS AED Battery & Pads (2 Sets)
Defibtech Lifeline AED Battery (High Capacity DBP-2800)
Defibtech Standard DBP-1400 Battery
Defibtech View AED Battery DCF-2003
Philips FRx Aviation Battery (TSO C-142)
LIFEPAK 1000 Battery Charger - DISCONTINUED
Philips FR3 AED Battery
Philips HeartStart Battery M5070A
LIFEPAK CR Plus Battery and Pads Replacement Kit 11403-000002 (1 Set)
LIFEPAK 1000 Battery (111410-000100)
Samaritan Pad Pak 01 AED Cartridge & Battery for Adults
HeartSine Samaritan Pediatric Pad-Pak (Pads & Battery)
ZOLL AED Plus Replacement Lithium Batteries (Set Of 10)
ZOLL AED Pro Non-Rechargeable Lithium Battery

Buy Original AED Batteries

AED batteries are an essential part of every defibrillator device. They power the machines allowing them to save lives of cardiac arrest victims. We carry standard and rechargeable batteries for defibrillators as well as battery chargers for all leading models of AED devices.

How Long Do AED Batteries Last?

A typical AED battery lasts 2 to 5 years, depending on the model and manufacturer. Every battery has an expiration date, so it’s important to keep track of the expiration date and replace accordingly. As part of its regular self-check process, your defibrillator should provide you with visual and audible warning alerts if the battery is running low or about to expire. If you aren’t sure of your battery’s expiration date, simply open the battery panel on your defibrillator. The date will often be printed on the battery itself. Be aware that some manufacturers print an ‘install-by’ date on the battery, which is often different than the expected use life once installed in the AED. If your AED battery is set to expire within the next 3 months, now is the time to replace.

How to Change the Battery in Your AED

Changing the battery on most automated external defibrillators is a straight-forward process. If you are unsure of how to change it, reference the manual that came with your device. You can also check out the AED Leader YouTube channel where we provide helpful video guides for how to change an AED battery in some of the more complex models.

Can You Recharge an AED Battery?

Some AED batteries are rechargeable, while others are not. You need to make sure your battery model clearly states it is rechargeable. Many of the rechargeable AED battery models require a special charging pack.

What to Do with Old AED Batteries

AED batteries are considered hazardous waste, and therefore need to be properly disposed. There are many recycling programs that will accept your depleted battery to properly handle it.

Wide Selection of AED Battery Replacements

We recommend keeping replacement AED batteries on hand. Though it’s unlikely that your battery will fail before its expiration date, you don’t want to take chances when it comes to life-saving equipment. We are an authorized distributor for the following manufacturers:
  • Cardiac Science
  • Defibtech
  • HeartSine
  • Philips
  • Physio-Control
  • ZOLL
Review product descriptions carefully, as even similar defibrillator models may have different battery requirements. For example, Powerheart G3 batteries are different from Powerheart G3 Pro batteries. If you can’t find the AED battery you’re looking for, contact us at any time for expert advice and recommendations. Our knowledgeable team will be happy to help you find the right battery for your automated external defibrillator, and we’ll get it shipped out right away. Free Standard Ground Shipping with the Purchase of Any AED.